Shaken Not Stirred, an exhilarating music series brought to you by District E Powered by Ticketmaster. This series showcases the rich tapestry of DMV's homegrown musical talent, featuring a fusion of local artists who embody the vibrant spirit of the region. Each evening promises a unique experience with our house DJ and band setting the stage, complemented by special performances and guest appearances from celebrated DC legends. Immerse yourself in the heart of DMV's music scene, where every beat tells a story.
Also, enjoy District Bites’ exclusive happy hour menu and drink specials, designed to harmonize with the rhythm of the night. We strongly recommend making reservations to secure your spot in this dynamic celebration of music and community. Join us at Shaken Not Stirred, where we don't just listen to music; we live it. Be a part of this unforgettable journey of rhythm, flavor, and memories.
January 17th
7:00 PM
DJ Dynamite D
EU featuring Sugar Bear
Black Passion
January 24th
7:00 PM
DJ Dynamite D
EU featuring Sugar Bear
Blacc Print
January 30th
7:00 PM
DJ Ezzy
Blacc Print
Top 5